Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts


I've recently discovered the wonders of Instagram .  This little iPhone app is pretty fantastic (and somewhat addicting).  Are you on In...


Happy Weekend friends.  I thought I would post this picture of Marilyn (that I found on Pinterest ) because she is gorgeous and the quote i...

I Am Here...

I'm in Bonita Springs, Florida visiting my pregnant sister and enjoying the sunshine!  So far, we've seen 6 alligators (while drivin...

Come On, Irene

Everyone is talking about Irene!  Hurricane Irene...  she's threatening the Atlantic coastline with 110 mph winds and coastal flooding. ...

The Sledding Hill

I love this colorful winter scene from photographer, Paul Octavious . And here, Paul has captured the same hill (located outside Chicago).  ...

A Week Of Giveaways!

Starting tomorrow, I will be hosting a week of giveaways!  All items will be from my shop , and I will give something away every single day...