Showing posts with label Wallpaper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wallpaper. Show all posts

Mary McDonald Wallpaper (Chinois Palais & Park Avanue Python)

Mary McDonald's fabric and trim collection for Schumacher is so beautiful, it will make your eyes pop out of your head.  :)  But now, t...

Casual in the Country

I'm loving the casual nature of this Upstate New York home, featured in the March issue of House Beautiful .  It's simple and unpret...

New Fabric Collection: LuLu DK CHILD

Did you see the new collaboration between F. Schumacher and Lulu deKwiatkowski ?  The marketing material reads, "Lulu DK, For the Soph...

Current Inspiration

I'm currently obsessed with the idea of using a small-print wallpaper somewhere...  In a bedroom, a bathroom, or a tiny hallway-- I can...

Faux Bois Walls

"papier bois" wallcovering by Nobilis I was first introduced to Nobilis faux bois wallpaper when I worked as a designer at  Burnh...