Showing posts with label about me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label about me. Show all posts

Spring In My Step

Now that I live on the east coast, one of the things I love most is experiencing SEASONS.  And, even though I really dislike the frigid, ...

My Picks for Must Have Baby Items { 0-3 months }

Living through the first three months of parenthood is like being on the greatest adventure of all time.  It's full of obstacles, you ne...

Life Lately

A quick shot of Friday's afternoon pick up at the store.  High Street Market is crazy busy, fulfilling holiday orders (and will continu...

William's Birth Story

My pregnancy with little William was an easy one.  I never experienced serious morning sickness, and the majority of the time, I felt really...

William Bernard is here!

On Thursday, September 19th at 7:58pm, our son William Bernard was born.   He is the cutest, most precious gift I have ever laid eyes on.  H...

So, it's September...

I can't believe this month is finally here.  9 months of pregnancy-- check.   2013 has certainly been the fastest year of my entire li...

3rd Floor: New Drywall & Paint Colors

It's been a REALLY long time since I've posted any home renovation projects.  Our last project was a biggie ( the new Carriage House...

Enjoying the Spring in Philadelphia

I apologize for the lack of blog posts this month.  Life seems to be moving very VERY fast and I'm only trying to keep up (I'm sure ...