Exhibit A: very tall Pine tree planted inches away from the front porch. Basically, it was a free pass for critters to get onto our roof. We had it removed the week after we bought the house. The picture on the left was from the MLS listing. The picture on the right was taken this past May.
When this Pine tree was removed in December, we had the same tree service trim back a few other trees that were too close to our roof (we don't want any squirrels taking up residence in the attic).
Then, in May, you might remember that we demolished the side yard...
And last week, the trees saw a bit more action. My husband's cousin, Frankie (who also helped us with the 3rd floor and 2nd floor demo), is a professional tree trimmer. I mean professional. With the climbing boots, harnesses, the works. Frankie came down to help us remove another nasty Pine tree, a severely mangled Maple, and then he cleared away many many dead limbs from otherwise healthy trees. We don't want a 12 foot dead branch suddenly falling on us, so we thought that a good pruning was in order.
Here is Frankie, from the zoom lens, climbing the tree...
And, here he is climbing just a little higher...
Can you see him?
That's him, there...
When it was time to come down, Frankie propelled himself out of the tree and slowly rode the line down to the ground, like a super hero (with chainsaw in tow!). It was pretty cool.
Thank you, Frank, for all of your help!
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