New Shelter Mag: Anthology

There's a new shelter magazine on the horizon, folks: Anthology.  While I love my online publications (and you know I do), Anthology will be a print magazine.  Gasp!  Print?!  Yes, print!  How exciting! 

Anthology is a magazine that will be published quarterly.  It will cover home decor, travel, design, entertaining and culture.  The leaders behind this new source of inspiration(!) are immensely talented and highly accomplished women: Anh-Minh Le (Editor-In-Chief) and Meg Mateo Ilasco (Creative Director).  I encourage you to read about them HERE.

I heard the news yesterday and already sent in my subscription!  Anthology will allow readers to subscribe annually, or you can buy individual issues!  How brilliant.  Learn more about how you can get the magazine HERE.

In the meantime, here are some sneak peeks at the first issue!

Welcome, Anthology!

And, if  you would like to see more, please visit Design*Sponge where Grace posted a wonderful article about the new magazine (complete with video entitled, "Print Is Not Dead!").



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