Snow Day!

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Philadelphia got about a foot of snow this weekend!  It would have been completely lovely if not accompanied by 50 mile per hour winds.  But now that the storm has passed, the wind is gone, the sun is out, and we have gorgeous blue skies.

And, guess which back-ordered item arrived a couple of weeks early?!  My bean boots

My husband bought me this pair for my birthday, and I love them!  I love the shearling, love the leather, love that this style has been around for almost 100 years.  They keep my feet warm and dry.  They're great.  (If you're thinking of ordering a pair, buy a whole size smaller. Really.  Even with thick socks they fit perfectly. One whole size smaller.).

Happy Snow Day wherever you are! 

And, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas holiday!  My folks drove in for a quick visit and we all braved the weather to see the Cleopatra exhibit downtown.  It was fascinating, and if you haven't seen it yet, book your tickets now!  The last day to see Cleopatra at the Franklin Institute is January 2nd.  (ps. The jewelry alone was worth the trip).



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