Daily Deal!

If you shopped High Street Market on our Opening Day, you may have noticed a link at the top of the homepage entitled "Daily Deal".  What is the Daily Deal?  It is exactly that!  A Daily Deal.  Everyday, we will add a new item to the shop (something that's not part of the regular inventory), and we'll slash the price.  Then, you can have the opportunity to buy it at a great deal!  It's as simple as that.

Just click the tab at the top of the homepage, and you'll find this hidden gem.

We'll update this corner of the store everyday, so check back often!  And, since quantities are limited, please limit one per customer.

If you stumbled across the Daily Deal yesterday, you may have seen these foo dogs:

And, today's Daily Deal is this lovely brass octogon shell box:

We'll add another product tomorrow!

Follow High Street Market on Twitter, or like us on Facebook to get updates on every Daily Deal!



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