Right Now, This is Happening

Pink Azalea

Jacqueline tulips
(I bought them here a couple of years ago)

Lily Of The Valley


Soloman's Seal

and if you pan out that camera...

a Frog Prince
(This guy came with the house... and even though Dave hates it, I think it's hysterical.  I refused to let him throw it out.  Now, I keep this Frog Prince hidden in the side yard and he supervises the shade garden.)


Our Nellie Stevens Holly Trees have been delivered!  We bought them from a local nursery.  Looking forward to planting them and watching them grow.


We were so inspired by gorgeous brick hardscaping that Dave & I installed a brand new front walk (made from antique bricks) and we love the way it turned out.  I'll share more on this project later.

Happy Weekend!!!



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