Thank You!

image from heart of light

The "End Of Summer SALE" has ended, and I want to thank everyone who participated!  SO many fabulous items were sold yesterday, I'm thrilled that you all love vintage housewares as much as I do.  The first three hours of the sale were a bit hectic on my end (trying to answer emails, getting quotes for international shipping, submitting refunds, etc).  I felt like a cartoon character, with my eyes bulging and smoke shooting out of my ears!  But things have calmed down, and when surveying the events of the last 24 hours, I can say that the sale was a great success.  We'll do it again next year!

I want to give a special thanks to the following bloggers who mentioned the High Street Market Sale on their own sites!  Your support was MUCH appreciated!

(If I missed you, please let me know! I would love to link your blog!)

Thank you! Thank you!  Thank you, again.



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