Weekend Road Trip

We drove to Ohio this weekend for a friend's wedding, and it was a fabulous mini-getaway for us.  The drive from Philadelphia to Columbus is about 7 hours, so we had plenty of "together time" as I like to think about it (I like to talk a lot, so I'm sure my husband thoroughly enjoyed the 7 hours of driving with me by his side!). 

The wedding cake with completely delish (with a chocolate ganache center!)...  and this tiny flower girl jumped and danced for about an hour straight.  It was some of the best wedding entertainment ever!

The drive was uneventful, but beautiful (rolling hills, and quaint farms all along the interstate)...

almost missed the sign for West Virginia!  We stopped here on the way home to eat lunch and walk through a GIANT car & bike show.  The vehicles were so impressive...

I choose this beauty as "mine"...

check out the interior!

my husband preferred the 1958 Corvette convertible.

After we walked through the show, we got back into our real life car and continued home. 

I am catching up on work today, but will be back tomorrow!  Enjoy this short week everybody. 

 Happy Tuesday!



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