Tuesday's Giveaway (and Monday's Winner!)

As you know, I am doing a WEEK of giveaways here on the High Street Market blog.  I will be giving away something from my shop every single day this week!  Some of the prizes are vintage items that I've hoarded away, and they've never been seen in the shop (like Monday's Wedgwood toast rack), and other items are directly from the shop.  Like today's prize...

This pillow is completely custom made, just for my shop.
It is 11" x 15" (with a 12" x 16" down insert)
Made of excellent quality, featuring an invisible zipper.
a $48.00 value

This is the snow leopard pillow featured in the premiere issue of Rue Magazine!

To win this giveaway, just leave a comment at the end of this post. 
Make sure you that a correct email address is associated with your blogger profile, so I can contact you if you've won!   Tomorrow morning, I will draw a winner at random.

**The winner must have a US address (within the lower 48 states)!!!!


And, without further adieu...
The winner of Monday's Giveaway is...

Congratulations, Mrs. W
You've won the fabulous white porcelain toast rack, made by Wedgwood! 

Happy Tuesday everyone!



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